25785 Boerne Stage Rd., Boerne, TX, 78006 (210) 698-5270

MARCH 10-14
Registration is limited to 20 campers. Sign up soon to reserve your child's place at camp.
Our beginner camps are great place for kids to start to ride!
When kids get the chance to ride on a daily basis the learning curve shoots up! Weekly lessons tend to include some review each week, but when kids can ride several days in a row, we are able to pick up right where we left off the day before. Meaning, it's possible for campers to go from total beginners to confidently posting the trot or if they are already walk-trotting, they can start work their way to experiencing the first steps of cantering!
Our camp is mainly focused on riding, but we have lots of other activities planned, too. Learning the art of horsemanship is key to becoming a well-rounded, educated rider. There's so much to learn! We want our campers to not only be brilliant riders, but also know how to practice safety around horses and have the knowledge and skills to take care of a horse's general needs.
In addition to daily riding the campers will learn:
* Safe practices around horses
* Safely haltering and leading a horse
* Understanding how horses relate their emotions with the signs they show us using their bodies
* Basic horse psychology as it pertains to horse training
* Correctly saddling and bridling
* Grooming techniques
* Learning the correct names for the parts of a horse
* How to recognize health problems in horses
* Basic horse first aid
* Basic equine nutrition
* Correct names for colors and breeds
* Correct names for the parts of the saddle and bridle
* A farrier (horse shoer) demonstration
* How to take care of tack
* Bathing (if its warm enough)
* And much more!!
(We always have extra counselors on staff to help our beginners!!)
$150 non-refundable deposit is due when registering, the balance due one week before camp.
Once your registration is received, we will send you an invoice you can pay online.
What will my child need to wear?
Riding breeches are preferred but jeans or leggings are acceptable. Campers MUST wear a sturdy boot with a 1" - 1.5" heel. We have helmets for campers to borrow.
What will my child need to bring?
*A sack lunch, snack and a water bottle. We have a water cooler for refills. ​
*Apply sunscreen at home.​
*An eager and positive attitude!
Is there before- or after-care available?
Yes! We offer before care starting at 8am and after-care from 2:00-5:30pm. Aftercare is $10/hour with a late pick-up fee of $25 for each day your child is picked up after 5:30pm.
What about bad weather?
The only thing that will stop us from riding is heavy rainfall and/or lightening. However, we have LOTS of activities to do inside the barn or classroom until the rain passes! Camp will not be cancelled due to weather.
My child has food allergies. What special arrangements can be made to insure he/she will not be exposed to the foods they are allergic to?
If your child has food allergies (such as peanut allergies), please indicate in the space provided in the Camp Registration form. Before your child's camp session, we will send out an email to all parents asking that they do not send food containing the foods your child cannot be exposed to.
My child needs an Epi-Pen to be kept nearby, is that possible?
Yes! We will make sure your child's Epi-Pen is present wherever the camp activity is happening. All of our counselors have viewed online trainings on how to recognize anaphylaxis and how to administer an Epipen.